In the midst of the internet age, it is a good idea to allow customers to purchase the book online, even in ebook format. One or two computers with internet connection are necessary, therefore, and will give a professional touch to the entire party. It is not certain that all participants read paper books, many may prefer an ebook. Let's give them the opportunity to buy it. Invitations and decorations Like all parties, even for the book party you need to prepare invitations to send to friends, acquaintances and perhaps to some journalists. The cost is reduced, thanks to digital printing.
And the decorations are not expensive either, many Phone Number Data of which can be made from improvised materials. For invitations and decorations, always remember the theme of the book and take inspiration from that. A book party must arouse the curiosity of the participants, first of all. Activities to do at the book party A party cannot allow its participants to get bored. Therefore, organize a series of activities within your book party, such as reading some passages, a sort of treasure hunt, a lottery to win a copy of the book, etc. The copy signing session is also one of the activities to be carried out. As well as an interview or even answering questions from the audience.
Food and beverages The book party is a party, it is worth repeating, so food and drinks, as well as final desserts, are to be considered, depending on the number of participants. Don't leave the participants high and dry, even if there is no point in organizing wedding courses, especially if the publishing house is small. Photographs and videos Film the event with photos and videos, to then publish online on the publishing house website, on its fan page, on the writer's website and fan page. It's a way to continue the party and build loyalty with the participants.