The fund cf. art. section of the Act on Investment Funds and Management of Alternative Investment Funds . Application for authorization to establish an investment fund An application for authorization to establish an investment fund company may be submitted by completing a form or by handwriting it. However it should be remembered that the society s application for authorization to establish an investment fund is attached in accordance with the provisions of Art. section of the Act on Investment Funds and Management of.
Alternative Investment Funds the following documents: statute of the investment fund; an agreement with the depositary to perform the function of the depositary of an investment fund; personal data of members of the depositary s phone number list management board responsible for performing the functions of the depositary by its organizational unit along with a description of their qualifications and professional experience; personal data of persons employed in the company or entities referred to in Art. section - a and in Art. b which have.
A significant impact on the fund s operations in particular on the fund s investment decisions; personal data of persons designated by the depositary to perform the duties specified in the contract; information about the qualifications and professional experience of the persons referred to in in securities and other property rights constituting the subject of the fund s investments and information from the National Criminal Register; excerpts from the relevant register of entities to which the society entrusted the performance of activities under the contract referred to in Art.