Those who study website optimization methods are not dealing with subjects such as archaeology, Latin literature or Norse mythology. In short, it does not deal with a set of fixed and immutable notions. No: the techniques for optimizing a website and therefore bringing it higher up in Google's search results continue to change and evolve over time, in parallel with the evolution of the search engine and its own algorithms. In short, every year.
those who want to improve their online ranking s Europe Cell Phone Number List hould learn the new SEO factors , always staying updated on the latest news: it is unthinkable to think of achieving satisfactory results by referring to outdated SEO guides !Do you want to make sure you're doing everything you can to increase the visibility of your portal? Then you absolutely must learn all the new SEO factors of this beginning of 2019!The new SEO factors you absolutely need to pay.
attention toIndexThe new SEO factors you absolutely need to pay attention toLoading speedVoice searchUser ExperienceOptimization for mobile sitesURL in HTTPSRich SnippetsWhat factors really matter to improve your site's position, according to the latest Google updates? Here is a complete listoading speedThe loading speed of your pages is one of the new SEO factors to absolutely keep in mind. Until a few months ago, the loading time of your.
portal was important 'only' from the point of view of customers: every second of delay, in fact, causes a growing number of visitors to mutiny. But this didn't directly affect your site's ranking. Starting from July 2018, with the Google Speed Update , the speed of a site has become, without ifs or buts, a key factor for evaluating a site's positioning on the search engine. If you haven't already equipped yourself to speed up your pages, now is definitely the time to do it!Voice searchCortana, Siri, Alexa, Google Home , all these tools have led to a constant increase in voice searches. Are you already part of the group of users who habitually