We are not trying to avoid a hard-to-digest statement: knowing the external factors in such a complex and constantly changing environment, such as the online, is an extremely difficult process. This complex process is also part of the suite of SEO optimization services , which makes an extremely careful approach from the very beginning all the more necessary. Now, briefly, let's define the categories of external factors.
Visitors are those who get - or would like to get - to read materials from Djibouti Email List our site. Absolutely any site optimization process should start from them. What information are people looking for? What mediums do I use to search for this information? What is their level of education and culture?
Advanced approaches go even further: how do curiosity visitors differ from visitors - potential customers? How does the visitor turn into a buyer?
Although a website's competition is not only made up of other websites, we keep this description at the online level we are analyzing. Simplified, a website's competition consists of other websites that can attract the visitors we want to reach our website. They must be defined both quantitatively and qualitatively, again, a complicated and delicate process.