Font, color, size Background color and its transparencyWindow color and transparency letter decoration style youtube automaticsubtitles translate arabic to japanese YouTube automatic subtitles applicationYouTube automatic subtitles application For mobile devices (iPhone and iPad)Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad Apple settings Go to AccessibilityiPhone accessibility Tap Standard and Accessible Subtitles in the HearingAssistance section iphone standard subtitles and barrier-free subtitles.
Tap Style standardand barrier-free subtitle styles If you want to fine-tune the font style, size,and color, tap [Create New Style] iPhone standard and barrier-free subtitlesStyle outline text Solution for YouTube Auto Subtitle Not mobile number list Working If you can'tget automatic subtitles on YouTube, try using Chrome's automatic subtitlesfeature on your PC browser. It is a function that can convert audio from SNS,site-embedded videos, radio content, etc. into text in real time. However,since the supported language is limited to English, it cannot be used if youare looking for Japanese subtitles.
AlsoYouTube cites the following cases as reasons whyautomatic transcription cannot be performed. Subtitles are not yet complete dueto the time it takes to process the complex audio in the video. The automaticcaptioning feature does not support the language of the video. Video is too long.The video has poor sound quality or contains audio that YouTube cannotrecognize. There is a long silence at the beginning of the video.