Information must be read and be an integral part of theimage. 64% of consumers believe that shared values are the basis of trust in acompany. Maintains consistent communication across all channels If a designercreates creepy memes for social networks, and an email marketer writes boringand dry texts, the audience will experience dissonance. Tone of voice helpsto define a unified style and maintainit everywhere. What is the tone of voice? Conventionally, all ToV options can bedivided into several groups. Formal or informal According to surveys, 65% ofcustomers want customer service representatives to talk to them informally.
But context influences perception, which is why 78% ofcustomers will not be last database happy if their request is rejected in informal language.Formal language allows for chain of command through communication. The emphasisis on rationality, not emotions. The focus is on brevity, precision of wording,and facts. It makes the brand appear more authoritative, but may appear cold toreaders due to the impersonal tone it creates. This tone of voice is oftenchosen by banks, for example VTB Informal language is closer to normalconversation, so it helps to tune in to the same wavelength as users.
The brand communicates with the audience on equal terms. Hecan recommend something, but as a friend, not a mentor. The priority is arespectful attitude, light humor and good news. Informal language can provide asense of friendliness and personality that formal language lacks. However, anoverly informal tone can make readers think that the brand is inexperienced orunprofessional. If you think you should only communicate with customersformally, Burger King is willing to bet Cheerful or serious A cheerful,humorous tone brings people together and increases the memorability ofinformation.